Tips for Avoiding Procrastination PT2

Now, you have managed to get to work in time for the first time in a long while due to the first awesome step! Your managers are happy with you (for the first time ever it feels like) and you’ve had the best shift ever! So with this elation in mind, we must turn our attention to going to the gym. But we all do it don’t we? We all go home to change our clothing and have a drink before we head out to the gym. We all sit in that snug sofa and all the work euphoria goes out the window. Why bother? We think, There’s always tomorrow. We can go then!


In fact, don’t even go home after work, head straight to the gym! Ride the waves of accomplishment and strut your way into the gym giving off that aura of dominance and if anyone is going to be usingĀ that piece of equipment it is going to be you! and pound out those sets like the man (or woman) beast that you are!

“But,” I hear you say, “I can’t do that, I don’t have my gym stuff with me when I go to work! I can’t work out in my suit, it’ll get ruined!”

Worry not my dear friends, I have the answer. Allow your other procrastinations to aid you overcome this one! You know those times where you’ve taken a bit of clothing out with you, that just in case I need it piece? Then you look at it on the back seat of the car or in the bottom of the bag and think, I should really take it out… Leave it! So it may get a bit mildew eaten, or a packet of biscuits may break open and spill all over it, who cares? You’re going to sweat into it anyway! Then when you head into the gym after your euphoric day at work, then you have the clothes already in the car or bag ready to rock and roll and rejoice in the awesome change that has come into your life thanks to these tips and your rigorous effort!

The third tip… Well, I’ll get to that later…

Note: No animals, size zero clothing wearers or packets of biscuits were harmed in the development of these tips. For more information go to or contact your local Procrastination Avoidance Sponsor.

Tips for Avoiding Procrastination PT1

Okay, so here are my top three tips for avoiding the dreaded procrastination and because it can affect every aspect of our lives, I’m going to focus mainly in on getting up for work and going to the gym because none of us want to get fired and as people keep telling me “it’s only 111 days to Christmas!” (sadly, there is also a website for a to the second countdown as well… ….) and six days after that we all begin the New Year’s Resolution to lose the Christmas fat… which has built upon last year’s and the year before that…

You get the point.

So you’re suffering with the Monday morning blues when your alarm starts blaring at you from your bedside table? Or if you’re really mean, or the man of the household has to have the clock his side of the bed (just saying) and you have to nudge your other half to get him to hit the snooze the alarm for that extra five minutes. DON’T! I’m not saying just let it bleat, because you have neighbours and the council are looking to fine anyone for anything nowadays and you can rest assured that there is an “Alarm Disturbance” bill in the pipeline somewhere in one Council’s filing tray.

My tip is to move the alarm across to the other side of the room. Or casually manoeuvre your man into thinking that it was his idea to put the clock there so that he can claim it as his big idea for the week. Now you have to get up to turn off the alarm, or suffer the consequences of that proposed bill!

“But,” I hear you say, “I’ve tried that before and just flumped myself back into bed after. It doesn’t work!”

Fear not dear reader, the answer is at hand. Make sure that your bed is on a spring pulley system, so that when you get up to turn off the alarm, it springs into action by propelling itself up against the wall so that once you turn off the alarm, the temptation to dive back into those seductive covers dissipates and you can get on with your day! Although, I should warn you that small pets such as cats and partners who wear size zero clothing could find themselves catapulted into the wall, so care should be taken if you own such things.